P-05-974 Ensure the technology of prosthetic limbs provided within the Welsh NHS is equal to the rest of the UK, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 28.06.21


Petition - Ensure the technology of prosthetic limbs provided within the Welsh NHS is equal to the rest of the UK.

Response following reply from Welsh Minister dated 29 March 2021 – ref VG/09641/20

What are your thoughts on the attached document? /Does it adequately address the issues that you raised?

If the committee wished to have an example of the effective and important work that it undertakes look no further than the response from the Minister. 

In one of the early meetings, it was recognised by one of the committee members that Wales does not lead in the support it provides for its disabled citizens - it often lags.  This petition highlighted one discrepancy and resolution has now been achieved.  Welsh provision for Microprocessor Controlled Prosthetic Knees is at minimum now equal to the rest of the UK.

In not accepting weak excuses and arguments and challenging ministerial responses we have now achieved a result that will make a substantial difference for the residents of Wales. From personal experience I can also state that the change will, as suggested in the petition, be at minimum cost-neutral to the Welsh NHS in the medium to long term. A great result for all.

Thank you to the committee for your hard work and support on behalf of all the signatories to the petition and on behalf of Welsh disabled residents.  This success transforms lives.